+2  A: 

Chrome is webkit (prefix -webkit like you arleady use it)

mozilla is here (first hit on google) (prefix -moz)

-moz-transform:  rotate(30deg);

opera is this (google) (prefix -o)

-o-transform: translateX(50px);
-o-transform: translateY(100px);

EDIT: this shows a 3d-effect in mozilla. maybe that helps.

rotate is far more different than rotateX and rotateY. Please refer to the link http://webkit.org/blog/386/3d-transforms/
Amit Shah
i think "skew" is what you're searching. take a look at the mozilla link again.
y aren't they doing any standards for this ?
@Omu — because they are in the very early experimental stage (hence the use of vendor prefixes). They are trying stuff out to see what works before standardising.
David Dorward

3D CSS transforms (translateZ, rotateY, matrix3d etc.) are available only in Webkit (Safari and Chromium on Windows). No Opera at this time. Heard some rumors that Fox will support it someday, so maybe...
