



What are your technical tips for writing great JavaDoc?

I'm looking for things beyond the standard "Explain the function well" content-based tips. We all know that! (right?)

I'm interested in things like these:

  • What tags should definitely be a part of one's JavaDoc, and which ones are not worth remembering?
  • When do you use @see vs. {@link}?
  • Is it always necessary to use @param for obvious parameters?
  • How do you prevent the description of a method from re-iterating the @param and @return text?
  • When is it appropriate to include HTML in JavaDoc?

Finally, can anyone point to a good, succinct list of JavaDoc tags?

+4  A: 
  • I'd say the most important ones are @author, @deprecated, @inheritDoc, @param, @return, @throws. But you should have a look at all tags, just in case.
  • We use @link when used as explanations inside the text, and @see as a list of references.
  • "Is it necessary to use @param for obvious parameters?" No.
  • Use {@inheritDoc} whenever appropriate.
  • Here is a list of tags.
The thing is, sometime obvious to you may not be as obvious to others. Specially in a project with 2 - 3 years long, when new team members come and just don't get anything because for the internal team everything is very obvious.
Yea, that's a serious problem.My view is that good naming conventions can take care of the real obvious stuff. Anything that is not obvious from the signature should be captured. Luckily, most things are obvious from the signature.
well for example if you just have a setter commenting the param does not make much sense in my opinion, you will probably have the same information in the description.
+6  A: 

Additionally to your specific question, I would recommend you to always remember when you write your javadoc the audience you're targeting ( the API users that is ) and what kind of details you put there.

You must specify behavior and NOT implementation details.

For a very good explanation of why, who better than an expert on the subject, Joshua Bloch

Here is the talk How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters

It's a little lengthy but it worth it.

With this in mind you can write an useful @return tag that does not leak the implementation details.

You are not necessarily targeting API users when writing JavaDoc. That's just one use case. That said, knowing your audience is key for documentation and any other authoring.
+1  A: 

I think that unless you're building a library for widespread use, there's not much need for things like @param (which is often clear from context and naming). I actually find them more of a hassle than not because they're things that I'm liable to forget to fix in the refactoring stage.

More useful to me are things like:

-How does the function behave in edge cases? what does it do if you give it a null? Will it ever return a null?

-Under what conditions does it throw it's listed exceptions

-What assumptions is it making about the state of the input objects?

Then again, this is probably because these are the kinds of things I tend to need to go back and check for, and most of the javadocs I've written have been either for myself or for co-workers on small teams. The larger the intended audience, the more rigorous I'd feel I needed to be.

Steve B.
+28  A: 
Just to clarify about the tool. The main problem that it's trying to solve is that there are situations that the JavaDoc conveys a directive but nobody is going to even explore that call. By highlighting these calls, we try to attract attention and reduce the chances of missing the info.
Not sure I understood that, Oscar :[
This was incredibly helpful. Do you have a link to your research work? I'd like to read more.
nevermind, followed the eMoose through the rabbit hole.
@Ryan: The stuff that's online is somewhat outdated. I've been dealing with a full time job and a new baby, so I haven't had many opportunities for public releases. PM me if you'd like to try this out or just see some of the examples we've seen of that in APIs
+5  A: 

Peer review.

Try and find someone outside your team (a customer) and ask them what they think about your JavaDoc.

The customer is always right.

I'm not sure why somebody downvoted this. Usability studies of JavaDocs (by means of peer review for internal projects) make sense.
Definitely; Javadocs should get peer-reviewed, just like the code that's being documented. Otherwise you probably won't have really valuable Javadocs. (I've noticed, though, that some developers are way better, are more willing, at both writing and reviewing Javadocs than others. Unlike writing code, where generally all developers are at least willing...)
+2  A: 

A great read on writing javadoc is at the sun site at

The best thing I've learned from that text is probably that your class level javadoc should start with "Provides". This forces you to think about what that class provides to your program (or the world). It's not uncommon for me to redesign software because writing javadoc made me think "hey, this is not needed here!".

Other practical tips: When a getter is interesting, try to write it in the @returns tag. Not doing so might mean that you type stuff twice, once in the javadoc, and once after the @return tag.

An the best tip: If you don't know what to write, DONT. the Javadoc parser does a great job of automatically generating getter javadoc for example, but it only does it when you didn't add a /** */.

Javadoc should desccribe WHAT your method does, not HOW.

Javadoc is not your todolist. I've tried it, but for larger projects, it simply doesn't work.

Just be aware that in most cases, users will only read the first sentence of your JavaDoc, which usually tells them what they know. AFAIK Javadocs are rarely used as ToDo lists.

Another important tip is that if your are writing an abstract class or interface, make sure to visually separate the text for audiences that will use the method on objects from this hierarchy, and audiences that will override the method.

Too many framework javadocs present clients with nuggets of the form "subclasses should know that X...". Make it very easy for subclasses to see those, and for those who are not subclassers to avoid them. Don't ever mix them without sufficient vertical distance.

An explanation on why this was downvoted would be appreciated.

I did quite a bit of research on this issue at one point, and I found Javadoc best-practices documentation to haphazard, and disorganized. In particular, I discovered these six links from Sun (1 2 3 4 5 6). It seems to me like this material could be better organized and condensed somehow.

Also, as an aside, the HTML that is generated by javadoc is badly out of date. It is not even valid HTML. I realize there are javadoc doclets out there, but it would be nice to see some official support from Sun. JavaFX has some promising documentation technology, but cannot be used for Java code, as far as I can tell.

Julien Chastang