I would like to run the GWT shell (the nice little Google pop-up browser window) when "testing" and upon clicking the actual "Compile/Browse" on the tool, compile the program into a different directory and use the -noserver mode to test it on my IIS server.
I have not edited the normal shell script, so it fires off just fine. The edits I make are viewed upon refreshing. The compile/browse however, shoots me off to mini-Tomcat server instead of my directory. The compile DOES appear to be running (as I can browse to that directory directly and it is receiving updates), but the compile/browse does not shunt me there.
Here is the compile script I've got right now:
@java -Xmx256M -noserver -port 80 -cp "%~dp0\src;%~dp0\bin;C:/dev/gwt-windows-1.5.3/gwt-user.jar;C:/dev/gwt-windows-1.5.3/gwt-dev-windows.jar" com.google.gwt.dev.GWTCompiler -out c:/dev/Practice /Practice/Practice.html
Clearly the area I would LIKE to go is "http://localhost/Practice/Practice.html" (the IIS server) but it is jumping to "http://localhost:8888/practice.Practice/Practice.html" (the Tomcat server).
(P.S. Running Eclipse for editor, the Run/Debug config arguments are:
and that's it)