



I'm looking into JTA as I need distributed transactions (across JPA, JMS and EHCache).
I'm trying to understand whether JTA can supply an additional functionality which I'm considering.
If I have 3 different servers, each running Glassfish and each server has a different EAR (a different module of mine).
Can I have a transaction which will span across different servers and different EARs?


+2  A: 

Can I have a transaction which will span across different servers and different EARs?

Yes. A global transaction can combine multiple resources from multiple EARs.

Pascal Thivent
@Pascal Just to verify we're talking about the same case: Server A contains EAR I, Server B contains EAR II, Server C contains EAR III. A global transaction can combine multiple resources from EAR I,II and III?
@Ittai Yes, we're talking about the same case.
Pascal Thivent
@Pascal Thanks, I've accepted the answer. Do you have a link to an example/tutorial of such sort? From my previous googling on JTA I was unable to find such an example (or even reference), hence my question. I'd appreciate it.