



I've created a custom form element that allows me to place text in an arbitrary location in my form:


class Plano_Form_Element_Note extends Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml
    public $helper = 'formNote';

     * Default decorators
     * @return void
    public function loadDefaultDecorators()
        if ($this->loadDefaultDecoratorsIsDisabled()) {

        $decorators = $this->getDecorators();
        if (empty($decorators)) {
                 ->addDecorator(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'form-row clearfix'));

This works like a charm, but as soon as I hit $form->isValid() the element turns up empty and only the wrapper shows:

<div class="form-row clearfix"></div>

The elements are added using subforms (method in my form class below):

 * Setup form elements and generate subforms
 * @return Event_Form_Feedback_Enter
protected function setupForm()
    $partMapper = new Event_Model_FeedbackPart_Mapper();
    $parts = $partMapper->fetchByFeedbackId($this->getFeedback()->getId(), array('order ASC', 'id DESC'));
    foreach ($parts as $part)
        switch ($part->getType())
            case Event_Model_FeedbackPart::TYPE_TEXT:
                $subform = new Event_Form_Feedback_Enter_Text();
            case Event_Model_FeedbackPart::TYPE_QUESTION_OPEN:
                $subform = new Event_Form_Feedback_Enter_Question();
            case Event_Model_FeedbackPart::TYPE_QUESTION_MC:
                $subform = new Event_Form_Feedback_Enter_MultipleChoiceQuestion();

        $this->addSubForm($subform, 'part-' . $part->getId());


... and here is the element creation in the actual form class (Event_Form_Feedback_Enter_Text):

protected function setupForm()
    $element = new Plano_Form_Element_Note('description');

I am most likely overlooking something silly, but at this point I do not see it. Any help is appreciated.

+1  A: 

It turns out the validation was breaking for static form element. To solve this, I have overridden the isValid() method in my Plano_Form_Element_Note class:

public function isValid($value)
    return true;
Aron Rotteveel
+1  A: 

An alternative approach for placing arbitrary static content into a form is the AnyMarkup decorator.

David Weinraub