



Hi, I have project where we use DWR for comet, and Jetty because of continuations feature. My problem is, that we also use terracotta for clustering. And terracotta supports only Jetty 6.x but not Jetty 7, and DWR is best with Jetty 7 continuations. When I run terracotta with Jetty 7 it throws

java.lang.IllegalStateException: This classloader instance has not been registered (loader class:org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader).

I remember, that I have read somewhere that it is possible to use jetty continuation from version 7 in Jetty 6 , but i can't find that tutorial.

Do you know anyone hot to use Terracotta + dwr +Jetty 7 continuations all together? In fact I don't use session clustering in Jetty, so I don't need to use jetty 7 tim module. My only problem is that Jetty classloader exception.

Thanks for any help.