I have an issue where I need to find a string in a file, but when I run the regex.match function it returns the string without any text between "<" and ">" missing. Here is my code and the string returned
Original string - [$iif{len("Test")>0,<meta name="Author" content="Test">,""}$]
regex Pattern - \[\$[a-zA-Z_0-9\{\}\(\)<>=\|/\."",\s]*\$\]
result - [$iif{len("Test")>0,,""}$]
'Visit http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms974570.aspx for explanation on this reg expression
regex.pattern = "\[\$[a-zA-Z_0-9\{\}\(\)\<\>=\|/\."",\s]*\$\]"
set matches = regex.execute(psTemplateData)
for each m in matches
response.write m & " index - " & m.FirstIndex & " " & m.length & "<br />"
What is funny is that the match has the correct string length for the original string. Thanks in advance for any help.