



When I do a commit from subversive it populates a list of (and selects by default) any new files in my project directory. I want only those files which I have explicitly added to version control to show up in the commit dialog.

This seems to be the same basic question as this StackOverflow question, but I really want to involve git.

This is a huge pain because people keep accidentally checking in random generated files and directories (e.g. VC++ temp files: **/Release/vc70.pdb, buildLog.html ) and random settings files for eclipse plugins.

  • I found a "Check the new resources in the commit dialog" option under Preferences > Team > SVN. This just prevents them from being auto selected, but I want them not to show up at all.

  • I also tried isolating all the different change sets available under 'Models'. Even with No change sets selected commit still adds all uncommitted files on the file system to the commit list.


Eclipse lets you specify resource name patterns so that files which match a pattern are excluded from version control. Find it at Window..Preferences/Team/Ignored Resources. You can specify paths like /temp/something., or just filename patterns like *.tmp.

I'm using Perforce, not svn, but I think it works the same way with any version control plugin.

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I saw the exclude patterns, and it works for some things. I can't exclude *.html since my web project has html files but visual studio generates buildLog.html files. Adding tmp/something is essentially the same as finding all the generated file directories and adding those to svn:ignore which we do whenever we find them.