Hello friends.
I am struggling to implement a chronometer in my application. There are two situations in which I want to use it:
- if starts for the first time, it simply increment the counter
- if resumes, it must display time since a date time (that I retrieve from the database) and increment it from there.
To be more precise.
- If I start the first time I will have 00:00:01, 00:00:02, 00:00:03...
- If I resume, I take a record from database, let's say 30 minutes old and chronometer will have 00:30:01, 00:30:02... etc
The first part is done
chrono.setOnChronometerTickListener(new OnChronometerTickListener()
public void onChronometerTick(Chronometer arg0) {
if (status!=Constants.Continue)
String HH =((elapsedTime / 3600) < 10 ? "0" : "") + (elapsedTime / 3600);
String MM =((elapsedTime / 60) < 10 ? "0" : "") + (elapsedTime / 60);
String SS =((elapsedTime % 60) < 10 ? "0" : "") + (elapsedTime % 60);
currentTime = HH+":"+MM+":"+SS;
elapsedTime = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - arg0.getBase()) / 1000;
//here I have startDate.getTime() as a Date variable
String HH =????
String MM =???
String SS =???
currentTime = HH+":"+MM+":"+SS;
It should be very simple, but I don't find the solution for the else branch. Any help is really appreciated. Thank you
Lated edit: I managed to find the difference since startdate and current time, but now the chronometer doesn't increment the seconds. Here is the updated code:
long elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startDate.getTime();
chrono.setOnChronometerTickListener(new OnChronometerTickListener()
public void onChronometerTick(Chronometer arg0) {
int days = (int)Math.floor( elapsedTime/86400000 );
long diff2 = elapsedTime - days*86400000;
int hours = (int)Math.floor( diff2/3600000 );
long diff3 = diff2 - hours*3600000;
int min = (int)Math.floor( diff3 /60000 );
int sec = (int)Math.floor(( diff3 - min*1000)/60000 );
currentTime = days+":"+hours+":"+min+":"+sec;
elapsedTime = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - arg0.getBase());
What am I missing ?