




What is the problem? It says me that Invalid block tag: 'endfor'.


<ol id="sortable" name="plst{{first_list.pk}}">
{% for item in playlist %}
<li id="item{{item.pk}}" media="{{item.media.pk}}" class="holderPlace"  title="{{item.media.name}}"><span> {{item.media.name|custom_slice:30}} </span>

             {%ifequal item.media.watch_status 0 %}
                <img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/content_started_watch_12x12.gif" title="ddd" alt="" height="12" width="12" style="position:relative;top:2px;"/>
                {%ifequal item.media.watch_status 1 %}
                <img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/content_watched_12x12.gif" title="Вы уже смотрели эту передачу" alt="" height="12" width="12" style="position:relative;top:2px;"/>

<div class="buttons">  <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="myButtonPlay" title="Начать просмотр"><img class="button_play" src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/playlist/btn_play.gif" width="80" height="28" /></a><span>{{item.media.duration}} мин.</span> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="deleteButton" title="Удалить из плейлиста"><img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/playlist/btn_delete.gif" width="29" height="22" /></a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="myButtonDown" title="Переместить вниз"><img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/playlist/btn_down.gif" width="29" height="22" /></a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="myButtonUp" title="Переместить вверх"><img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/playlist/btn_up.gif" width="29" height="22" /></a></div>
{% endfor %}
+1  A: 

Check those ifequal tags.

{%ifequal item.media.watch_status 0 %} 
    <img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/content_started_watch_12x12.gif" title="ddd" alt="" height="12" width="12" style="position:relative;top:2px;"/> 
    {%ifequal item.media.watch_status 1 %} 
        <img src="{{MEDIA_URL}}images/content_watched_12x12.gif" title="Вы уже смотрели эту передачу" alt="" height="12" width="12" style="position:relative;top:2px;"/> 

I think that's what you're trying to do, but not sure.

Explanation: When Django parses the for tag, it just looks for the tag called endfor -- it's actually not a real tag (if that makes any sense). Once the ifequal tag is encountered, it takes over parsing until it encouters its endifequal (which really isn't a real tag either). Since in this case the outer ifequal never found a matching endifequal, once it encountered that endfor it doesn't know what to do with that since it's not a real tag, hence the seemingly odd message for what happened.

Django is complaining because it thinks it's still inside one of the ifequal blocks when it reaches the endfor.
Thanks... works fine!