



I have some logs in a directory: /test/report. The logs are named: a.log, b.log, c.log.

The content of a.log is below:

Input 1
Number of records := 101

Input 2
Num of of records :=  101

Input 3
Num of records := 101

The content of b.log is below:

Number of records := 88 

Input 2
Num of of records :=  88 

Input 3
Num of records := 86

The content of c.log is below:

Number of records := 4 

Input 2
Num of of records :=  3 

Input 3
Num of records := 4

My question is, how can I use Perl to open the files and then extract the number out so that I can have generate a report that looks like below:

       Input 1          Input 2           Input 3        Result
A          101              101               101            OK
B           88               88                86         Error
C            4                3                 4         Error
  • use glob function to find all the applicable log files

  • iterate over all the found log files using a while loop

  • open each file using open function (don't forget to use 3-argument form of open and do error handling).

  • Go through all the lines in the file by either using File::Slurp or the goold old while(<$filehandle>) loop.

  • Parse the contents of lines using regular expressions.

  • You might need to implement very simple state machine depending on the exact structure of the log file which you didn't describe in precise detail

  • when your regex matches a value of interest (e.g. # of records of # of input), capture it using parenthesis in the regex and then after the match save using $1, $2 etc... variables where the matched pieces are saved.

  • If needed, aggregate the data, probably by saving in a hash (keyed by input file name/type) and the value being the hashref of inputs keyed by input type (if input types are guaranteed to be small #s, you can use array ref instead)

  • Iterate over your data structure and print row by row.

Use Perldoc or any of the Perl books for reference to any of the above steps/concepts/functions; and feel free to ask questions on SO if you run into specific trouble withe any of the specific code.


Here's the extraction portion, and that's most of the problem. DVK outlined the other steps.

This looks for .log files in the current working directory:

my %hash;

foreach my $file ( glob( "*.log" ) ) {
    my $contents = do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = $file; <> };

    print $contents;
    my %results = $contents =~ m/Input\s*(\d+).*?Num.*?records\s+:=\s+(\d+)/sg;
    $hash{$file} = \%results;

print Dumper( \%hash ); use Data::Dumper;

I might explain what I did, but then I thought you'd enjoy figuring it out on your own so you get some Perl practice. :)

brian d foy