



Does no such plugin exist?

So to be clear, I realize that RedGate has their own SSMS SCC app, and I realize that VSS2k5 will integrate in. I'm looking to stay with Hg as that's where my source already is, and I'ld like to find something that my team can stay consistent with on their tools.

As is, I guess I'm going to have to just run it through TortoiseHg and a folder with manual maintenance. Which isn't terrible, but naturally it would be nicer if there was an app pre-existing that I could consume.

And no, I don't have the time or inclination to write one myself. Not before Summer 2011.

Thoughts or ideas?


Have you tried hgscc? I know it integrates with Visual Studio, but I haven't tried it with SSM

I had SSMS and VS installed on my system before I installed hgsccpackage on my system, and it neither registered itself nor offered to for SSMS. It's one of my installed options in VS tho. (I personally prefer VisualHg but I don't mind hgsccpackage at all)