I was originally using RIM's native xml parser methods to parse a 150k text file, approximately 5000 lines of xml, however it was taking about 2 minutes to complete, so I tried a line based format:
Title: Book Title
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
I should be able to read the file in less time than it takes to blink, but it is still slow.
Identifier books is a Vector of Book objects and lines are stored in a vector of strings in the Book object.
class classs = Class.forName("com.Gui.FileLoader");
InputStream is = classs.getResourceAsStream( fileName );
int totalFileSize = IOUtilities.streamToBytes( is ).length;
int totalRead = 0;
//Thought that maybe a shared input stream would be faster, in this case it't not.
SharedInputStream sis = SharedInputStream.getSharedInputStream( classs.getResourceAsStream( fileName ) );
LineReader lr = new LineReader( sis );
String strLine = new String( lr.readLine() );
totalRead += strLine.length();
Book book = null;
//Loop over the file until EOF is reached, catch EOF error move on with life after that.
while(1 == 1){
//If Line = Title: then we've got a new book add the old book to our books vector.
if (strLine.startsWith("Title:")){
if (book != null){
books.addElement( book );
book = new Book();
book.setTitle( strLine.substring( strLine.indexOf(':') + 1).trim() );
strLine = new String( lr.readLine() );
totalRead += strLine.length();
int totalComplete = (int) ( ( (double) totalRead / (double) totalFileSize ) * 100.00);
_observer.processStatusUpdate( totalComplete , book.getTitle() );
book.addLine( strLine );
strLine = new String( lr.readLine(), "ascii" );
totalRead += strLine.length();