
I am using cocos2d 0.99.5 beta 3 and the CCTouchDispatcher with auto complete.

In my header i import the .h file

#import "CCTouchDispatcher.h"

Then in my init method I'm doing this:

[[CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self

This works as expected after implementing the CCTouchMoved etc methods. Hope this helps!

Maciej Swic
Yeah, as self commented, I imported "CCTouchDispatcher.h"! But there was nothing happened. So I added <UIKit/UIKit.h>, then it worked! But it's still no coloring. Conclusionly, I solved just "CCTouchDispatcher problem", and couldn't figure out what's wrong. Anyway, thanks for pleasure answer.
Sorry, i missed your comment. Comments on this site are so small =/
Maciej Swic