I need some help figuring out how to make some changes to some .jsp pages that are contained inside of a .war package.
I am using jbilling opensource billing software and need to modify some elements/display and want to do it directly in the .jsp, so I unpacked the .war file and made a change, then packaged it back up and put it inside the webapps folder and restarted tomcat. But I noticed the filesize from the .war that I packaged was smaller than the original .war and it should have been larger because I added stuff to it. Needless to say, tomcat didn't start up properly, or at least there were errors in the logs..but they didn't help me and jbilling didn't work right. I reverted back to the orignal .war and it worked fine.
Is it possible for me to unpackage a .war and simply make some html changes, then repackage it up without having to recompile the whole source code with the java classes? Did I use the wronge "packaging" tool to compile it? Is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to?
I did this in a FreeBSD box with using the following commands:
unpackage-->sudo jar cf ../billing.war *
repackage-->sudo jar -xvf billing.war
Thanks for your help.