



We have a Flash Builder (which is based on Eclipse) project that pulls source from different locations, included in the source control in which the project is. As per our organization requirements, the source code is present in directories not directly under the project directory. Initially we had the problem that all paths to the linked resources were absolute and did not work on other machines with different paths.

Right now, the solution we have for this is to set up a Linked Resource Path Variable that points to the root of the working folder. All other locations are based on that, so we can include source from folders like


The problem with this solution is that everyone that pulls the project has to set the WORKING_BASE variable correctly before opening the project for it to work. My question is, is there a way to make the Linked Resources relative to the location of the .project file? That would be ideal.


Unfortunately it is not supported by Eclipse.

You either have to use variables like you already do, cross-project linking in version control system (e.g. SVN's svn:externals feature) or use platform-specific symbolic links.

Eugene Kuleshov