




I'm wondering if there are any good free videos out there of actual Computer Science courses (college) on hardware and programming...both. Anyone know where I may find a few to review some concepts?

couldn't find jack in ITunes University, just a bunch of basically promotion junk for each university, nothing of real value or actual class recordings

+1  A: 

Here's what I found by Googling: Free Computer Science Video Lecture Courses, but some of the links are broken so you might need further Googling to get the right link.

Here are some starters:

I picked spring semesters because they are longer iirc. Here are some courses that are more advanced (and less dry).

I'm checking out some of those links too.. hopefully they are captioned!

Perhaps you want to check out the Stanford University Youtube channel. There are some courses on computer science on there.

Some of them have taught me a lot.


Google, Yahoo, and O'Reilly all have great Tech Talks on YouTube and their dev blogs.

I highly recommend Crockford on JavaScript. He gives a wonderful overview of the history of programming languages in the first lecture.

If you're interested in current technology I'd also highly recommend the Google lecture series on MapReduce the Tech Talk on CouchDB as well as the Yahoo talk on Node.js
