I have django Final and I am using Python 2.7
In my setting, I have 'sqlite3' filled for the DATABASE_ENGINE. I am able to work with the sqlite3 (at the level of djano manage.py shell) until I am told that I need to access
python manage.py dbshell
At first I got the error "sqlite3 is not recognized...." Then I read threads and I found that this can be solved by downloading the exe file and set the environment variable path on Windows (I am on XP Pro)
I used this approach instead http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/cf0665c227030ae2?
Now when I access python manage.py dbshell, I am getting
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnWong\workspace\mysite\mysite>python
manage.py dbsh
sqlite3: Error: too many options: "Settings\JohnWong\workspace\mysite
Use -help for a list of options.
I tried with --database=name_of_my_db and still no luck
Any input is appreciated. Thanks