




What is the best way of caching things in GWT. Data retrieved from RPC calls. I am interested in Data Structures and frameworks available out there, like ehcache. I am using gxt and have been storing things in the FastMap. What is the load capacity for the FastMap, is this the best way to do things. I know it eventually compiles to javascript and I know in javascript, caching is mainly saved in object literals { key : value } ...Anyone else doing this differently?


We're using gwt-dispatch with its CachingDispatchAsync class to enable caching for GWT. GWT-dispatch is an implementation of the command pattern used for communicating with the server via async calls. It provides a single point for executing those commands where caching can be done. There are several tutorials for gwt-dispatch out there, this might be helpful for your concerns.

awesome, thanks. I knew of this but was just curious if anyone rolled out their own means implementing caching. Wasn't really concerned with a single point of entry for this caching but I should probably just make use of whats out there. Many Thanks
Glad I could help. Accepting my answer would be really appreciated :).