When I execute:
public void beginTransaction() {
following an active transaction started in the same way, I get the following exception:
Exception Description: Transaction is currently active
Exception Description: Transaction is currently active
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.transaction.EntityTransactionImpl.begin(EntityTransactionImpl.java:45)
at com.mysimpatico.memoplatform.persistence.Database.beginTransaction(Database.java:44)
at com.mysimpatico.memoplatform.persistence.tests.PersistenceTest.setUp(PersistenceTest.java:39)
The underlying DBMS is embedded apache derby which to my knowledge doesn't support multiple connections from different JVMS, but otherwise supports concurrent transactions.Documentation
This test code fails:
public <Entity> int getNo(final Class<Entity> entityClass) {
final CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = qb.createQuery(Long.class);
final int ret = em.createQuery(cq).getSingleResult().intValue();
return ret;
protected void insertWords(final List<String[]> expressionDefTriples, MUser usr, final MeaningsDatabase mengsDB) throws Exception {
for (String[] expressionDefTriple : expressionDefTriples) {
mengsDB.persistSynonyms(MeaningsDatabase.toEnumMap(expressionDefTriple, usr));
protected void testSynonymsPersistance(final String[] expDefTriple, final MeaningsDatabase mengsDB) {
final Expression exp = mengsDB.get(Expression.class, expDefTriple[0]);
testGender(exp, expDefTriple[2]);
final Expression def = mengsDB.get(Expression.class, expDefTriple[1]);
assertTrue(exp.getMengs().size() > 0);
assertTrue(def.getMengs().size() > 0);
assertTrue(mengsDB.getNo(Meaning.class) > 0); //fails here
public void persistSynonyms(final EnumMap<Input, MemoEntity> input) throws MultipleMengsException {
final Expression def = extractExp(input, Input.definition);
final Expression exp = extractExp(input, Input.expression);
final MUser usr = extractUsr(input);
final Meaning meng = persistMeng(exp, usr, def);
logInsertion(meng, exp, def);
Essentially I start and commit a transaction within the same em, but then when I come to execute the getNo() method using the same em, it doesn't find what has been committed by the previous. I don't see where's the problem. There's clearly an issue since 'local' code like em.find(..) finds the committed changes, but not the criteria query.