



i have bunch of htmls on my disk and I know absolute adress of each of them, now I want to make every instance of src="", href="" inside a tags like a, script, img, iframe etc. to point to absolute patch if the given path is relative.

I do not know what is the fastest way to do it, by regex, preg_match_all etc ? I want this script to have awareness of paths like "../../somefile.html".


use htaccess file. The best way.

Make a php file which replaces url via. matching substring.

Set this file in include path using htaccess.

I'm not sure .htaccess can achieve what he is looking for
Toby Allen
Now explained the way to do.

I think you will need a combination of regex and script, since I don't think a regex can do this on it's own

However if you get a regex to pull out a HREF with ../ then use script to count back the folders and replace with your required URL.

Toby Allen