



Hi, I want to insert textbox in flexgrid row at specific column when i click on row. I want to edit the value of that column only when i select that column and that only column must be editable not all. This is the only forum where i got my ans for flexgrid and jquery as i am new to this. please guide me for this.


From what I can tell with firebug, flexigrids table is just a regular table.

$(".flextablename > tr").click(function () {
    $(this).$(":nth-child(2)").text("you clicked on this row");

will change the text of the second column on the row that you clicked on. This might give you some help along the way.

i got the selected row $('.trSelected'),but now i try to find out the child <td>and try to replace its containt which like this <td align="Left"> <div style="text-align: left; width: 60px;"> 1-103</div> </td> Replace with <div style="text-align: left; width: 60px;"><inpute type="textbox" id='replace'>1-103</inpute> How i can achive this with selected row 1-103</div>
$(".trSelected > div").prepend("<input type='textbox' id='replace'>").append("</input>");
hi gustavlarson there is no input control available before i click on the record.When i click that div must add contain textbox at 6 th <td>
Finaly i am come with some thing diff than client side finding element and replace that with textbox .I am binding textbox when it binds data to solved my problem