I am working on a project in which i want to add preloader and for that i have used the sample preloader provided in cs5 (in sample files). i have moved(from another fla) all my code to second frame and all library content to current fla's library.
Now the problem is that the size of first frame is now 182kb (the size of library content) which is only 8kb when i have not added my library content in current fla's library. And due to this when i test the movie the first frame(preloader) is not shown up until the 182 kb is loaded and immediately after that second frame is shown up.
here my question is how can i load library contents in second frame ? i am having a large number of library content which is expected to increase in future.
here are two snapshot:
the library:
testing the movie:
you can see in second snapshot the size of first frame is 182kb.
Please provide a good solution for this problem.
Thanks !