Trying to deploy an app to Heroku -- first time app and deployment -- and keep getting the following error when I'm trying to migrate the db:
Missing these required gems:
You're running:
ruby at /usr/ruby1.8.7/bin/ruby
rubygems 1.3.7 at /home/slugs/327637_0db78d3_8f84-7ba6678a-ff5d-4646-8320-f58c88156465/mnt/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.8, /home/slugs/327637_0db78d3_8f84-7ba6678a-ff5d-4646-8320-f58c88156465/mnt/.bundle/gems, /home/slugs/327637_0db78d3_8f84-7ba6678a-ff5d-4646-8320-f58c88156465/mnt/.gems, /usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
(in /disk1/home/slugs/327637_0db78d3_8f84-7ba6678a-ff5d-4646-8320-f58c88156465/mnt)
Running "rake gems:install" doesn't do anything. (It returns the directory path.) I've run "rake gems" to check what's installed, which returns:
- [I] authlogic
- [R] activesupport
I = Installed
F = Frozen
R = Framework (loaded before rails starts)
I've also restarted the Heroku server, but with no luck. I know there are tons of similar questions already posted, but I'm not super comfortable in the command line yet and can't decipher the differences in error messages and solutions. Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong here?
Thanks in advance.