



I'm developing a website with FullCalendar and jQuery. My application works fine and renders events properly on all dayAgenda/weekAgend/month views. But when I run it from the server, it doesn't render events!

Also in the current month, it doesn't show anything in month view. For example, If I have an event on 3rd Oct, it shows it only on September month view (at the correct date: 3rd Oct !).

Another issue is where I traverse between weeks in weekAgenda view. It doesn't show anything until I reach to another month, after that, NOW it shows all the previous events that I'd passed!

I think the problem should be from the server settings (or datetime issues, don't know) as everything is working fine from my localhost on all the browsers.

I am using jQuery in other pages as well and they're all working fine. only this page (fullcalendar) !

Any idea?