



I've got to sort a list of Reservations (they're coupled to an event by defining a belongsTo association) by the last name of the person who registered the ticket.

I do this in cakePHP:

$reservations = Set::sort($eventinfo['Reservation'],'{n}.last_name','asc');

This works, but some users input their data in all lowercase, which makes the sorting wrong:

Alfa, Ziggy, aardvark, zorro

Where it should be:

aardvark, Alfa, Ziggy, zorro

How can I fix this? I could loop over the array and make every string start with an uppercase letter using ucword(), but that looks a bit ugly. Isn't there an easy way to alter the sort algorithm so it ignores case?


Is there a reason you're not performing the sorting in SQL?

I assume there's a find operation shortly before you call Set::sort, which I imagine looks something like:

$reservations = $this->Event->find('first',array(
    'conditions' => array('' => $my_event_id),
    'contain' => array('Reservation')

You can instruct Cake's ORM to sort the contained Reservations with the same syntax as a standard find operation, like so:

$reservations = $this->Event->find('first',array(
    'conditions' => array('' => $my_event_id),
    'contain' => array(
        'Reservation' => array('order'=>'Reservation.last_name')
Daniel Wright
Actually, I'm just doing this:$this->Event->id = $event_id;$eventinfo = $this->Event->read();
Well, using the code in my answer is equivalent to a `read` call, and has the added benefit of performing sorting operations at the database level.
Daniel Wright

It looks like in the code Set::sort is using array_multisort under the hood so it is not going to give you case insensitive sorting. You could look at the code for Set::sort and make your own subclass of Set that uses something like natcasesort or use mysql to do the sorting first, which by default in mysql would be case insensitive sorting

Sam D

I would be normalising the surnames before storing them - either all lowercase, all UPPERCASE or all Capitalised.

This is probably what I'll end up doing. Thanks.