FullSimplify fails to recognize that:
a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Re[a*b]
I have some very complex equations that could be simplified greatly if Mathematica could recognize this simple identity
(and that a*Conjugate[b] - b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Im[a*b]).
See, Mathematica will not finish solving my equations when written in
a*Conjugate[b] +b*Conjugate[a] form,
but I could at the very least write my final equations in an extremely descriptive and compact form if Mathematica recognized this. The actual expressions look like:
-((I q1 + q2)/(I q0 + Sqrt[-q0^2 + q1^2 + q2^2 + q3^2])) -
(Conjugate[q1] + I Conjugate[q2])/
(Conjugate[q0] + I Conjugate[Sqrt[-q0^2 + q1^2 + q2^2 + q3^2]])
I would do this myself, but there are 16 of such expressions and they form 4 sets of coupled systems. Since one sign error would render my work useless, I would strongly prefer an automated process.