Hi guys, I have a problem when setting a variable inside a Java class
Here is my code
This is where I create the instances (IdeaInfo is a class that acts similar to a Struct):
IdeaInfo[] IDEAS = new IdeaInfo[100];
String[] TITLES = new String[100];
This is the function that will use those instances:
try {
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + "\n");
// This is adding title to array Ideas and Titles
if(mode % 3 == 0) {
TITLES[titles_pos] = sb.toString();
// This is adding the content to array Ideas
else if(mode % 3 == 1) {
IDEAS[ideas_pos].mContent = sb.toString();
// This is adding the rating to array Ideas
else if(mode % 3 == 2) {
IDEAS[ideas_pos].mRating = Float.valueOf(sb.toString().trim()).floatValue();
This is what I have inside IdeaInfo class:
public class IdeaInfo {
public String mTitle = new String(); // Store the Idea's title
public String mContent = new String(); // Store the Idea's title
public float mRating; // Store the Idea's Rating
* Function that set the Idea's title
public void setTitle(String temp){
mTitle = temp;
Apparently, the error occurred inside the try, exactly at IDEAS[ideas_pos].setTitle(sb.toString());
The debugger indicated that I am accessing a NullPointerException, this does not really make any sense to me since I already initialize those variables in the class.
By the way, I initialized ideas_pos
to 0.