




I'm currently in the planning stages for a real-time multiplayer game that would be built using Javscript at the frontend and PHP on the backend and I'm just wondering if anyone here knows of any good libraries for such a game?



+3  A: 

Socket.IO might be useful. Although will only be useful for the two browsers that support WebSockets.

Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms.

I'd second Ivo Wetzel with node.js. Louis suggested Socket.IO - this is what I use and it's a breath of fresh air. It uses HTML5 websockets but will fall back to Flash, XHR-polling, etc. if not available. Socket.IO/Socket.IO-node is one of the most exciting projects out there at the moment.
Socket.IO is great, but keep in my that everything besides WebSockets and Flash fall backs is just *bad* for real time. I'm using a fall back myself in one of my projects( and after a couple of minutes the flash thing gets *quite* laggy. Although it's not the same one that Socket.IO uses, the Flash/JS communication adds around another 30ms of latency.
Ivo Wetzel
I've been using [gimite's]( Flash WebSocket fallback with good results for realtime games. I agree that other forms of fallback Socket.IO provides will be quite unsuitable for fast action games.