



Hi, I have some NotesDocument where some RichText fields have both text and inline images. I can get text part of that items but can't retrieve inline images using lotusscript. Could any one please suggest me a way to retrieve inline images from that documents. LotusScript code:

Sub Click(Source As Button)
    Dim session As New NotesSession   
    Dim db As NotesDatabase   
    Dim mainDoc As NotesDocument
    Dim v As NotesView   
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase   

    Dim fileName As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    fileNum% = Freefile()
    fileName$ = "D:\data.txt"
    Open FileName$ For Append As fileNum%

    Set v = db.GetView("MyView")
    Set mainDoc = v.GetFirstDocument       

    While Not ( mainDoc Is Nothing )              
        Forall i In mainDoc.Items
            If i.Type = RICHTEXT Then
                 Write #fileNum% ,    i.Name & ":" & i.text  'how the images??
            End If
        End Forall              
        Set mainDoc = v.GetNextDocument( mainDoc )  
End Sub



I suggest you look at the Genii Software MidasLSX product. They offer a package of LotusScript extensions that make it easier to deal with the complexities of Lotus Notes Rich Text items.

Otherwise, you can experiment with the NotesRichTextNavigator class to gain access to the image in the rich text item (in theory). There is very little documentation on this sort of thing. I couldn't quite tell what an image would appear as using that class, but assuming you navigate through the rich text item and are able to get a handle the image as a NotesEmbeddedObject, I know there's a way to save the object to disk from that class.

Another (crazy) thought is to email the document, and have it received by another program that can more easily process the body of the email. Notes just isn't very helpful with processing its own rich text fields.

Ken Pespisa