I am working on a project that basically monitors a set remote directories (FTP, networked paths, and another), if the file is considered new and meets criteria we download it and process it. However i am stuck on what the best way is to keep track of the files we already downloaded. I don't want to download any duplicate files, so i need to keep track of what is already downloaded.
Orignally i was storing it as a tree:
When the service shuts down it writes it to a file, and rereads it back when it starts up. However given that when there is around 20,000 or so files in the tree stuff starts to slow down alot.
Is there a better way to do this?
The lookup times start to slowdown alot, my basic implementation is a dict of a dict. The storing stuff on the disk is fine, its more or less just the lookup time. I know i can optimize the tree and partition it. However that seems excessive for such a small project i was hoping python would have something like that.