



Presumably if Cucumber is not seeing what I expect it to see, it must be seeing something else. Mirroring in my application what I think the same steps are, I get the desired output.

This is a "signing in" feature. It appears that sign in is failing in the test. But unless I can see the error message, I don't know why it's failing!

+2  A: 

Cucumber has a step called "show me the page" that works great! You can put it right where you want to view the page in your tests, like so:

  When I go to the sign in page
  Then show me the page # saves the HTML of that page and opens the file
  And I sign in as "[email protected]/password"
  Then I should see "Bad email or password"
  And I should be signed out

I believe you need the launchy gem to make this work. Here's an article that describes it, along with other cool cucumber tricks:

Jaime Bellmyer
You are the MAN.