



can you have 2 parameters? for instance, i want to add a string and a corresponding integer to a priority key. Then I am going to sort it by that integer. I know how to add either a string or a integer, but I dont know how to add both. Can someone please point me in the right direction and let me know if i am even going about this the right way?

+2  A: 

If you want to use multiple elements as a key, you can create a class that encapsulates both, and then use that type as the key. Likewise for the values. You should make this custom key class Comparable, override equals(), and override hashCode() for the custom key class that you create.

Michael Aaron Safyan
+3  A: 

How about creating a new class that contains those two fields (int and String) and then implementing Comparable (comparing on the int field). Don't forget to override also hashCode() and equals() (see the Comparable class javadoc for reasoning behind overriding these methods).

Is that what you are after?

Neeme Praks
Can you please discuss why he should override `equals()` (and then consequently `hashCode()`)? I would have thought that implementing `Comparable` would have been sufficient.
See the class Javadoc for Comparable for why you want to override equals() and hashCode()
Updated my answer with reference to JavaDoc
Neeme Praks
+6  A: 

There are two ways to do this. Either way, you want to create a custom object that holds both the String (the value you want) and the integer (the priority).

The first solution is to have this data object implement Comparable:

class Data implements Comparable<Data> {
  private final String message;
  private final int priority;

  public Data(String message, int priority) {
    this.message = message;
    this.priority = priority;

  int compareTo(Data other) {
    return Integer.valueOf(priority).compareTo(other.priority);

  // also implement equals() and hashCode()

Then when you do

PriorityQueue<Data> queue = new PriorityQueue<Data>();

the queue will order items by the order defined by the compareTo method.

The problem with this solution is that if you want the ordering to be only on the integer, then either equals method and your compareTo method will not be consistent or your equals method will not be correct.

A better solution would be to use the PriorityQueue constructor that takes a Comparator. In this case, Data wouldn't have to implement Comparable; you just need a Comparator that defines your ordering:

public final class OrderDataByPriority implements Comparator<Data> {
  public static final OrderDataByPriority INSTANCE = new OrderDataByPriority();

  private OrderDataByPriority() {}

  public int compare(Data data1, Data data2) {
    return Integer.valueOf(data1.priority).compareTo(data2.priority);

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    return other == OrderDataByInteger.INSTANCE;

  private Object readResolve() {
    return INSTANCE;

Note that since this comparator takes no data, I made it a singleton.

You can then create the queue line this:

PriorityQueue<Data> queue = new PriorityQueue<Data>(
    initialCapacity, OrderDataByPrority.INSTANCE);
i am using BUfferedReader to read the input from users.. so they put in the message, then hit enter, then put in the integer(priorty)... now when i do queue.add("string") .. but i need to add them both.. how would i do that?
i am going to be printing out the strings in descending order.. but its the integer that i will be using to do the comparison... so the integer will need to be connected to the string they entered someway
You would do queue.add(new Data(message, priority));
ooh i see.. ohk.. i'm going to go try this. thanks
I updated the answer to make it clearer that the integer is a priority and to recommend using Comparator instead of Comparable. Good luck!