I have a group of Events that occurred at some Dates. Each event has a Date field. Now I'd like to create a Map where for each Date (taken from all dates of events) I will assign List of Events that occurred on that date. So in pseudocode :
public Map<Date, List<Event>> function(List<Event> list){
Date[]dates = new Date(list.len());
for(Object o: list)
add o.date to dates
for(int i=0; i<dates.length; i++){
create list of events with date=dates[i] (using some getDate())
add to map(dates[i], list)
Is this a proper way of thinking? If yes: how can I create list of events with specific date and then add it to the map? I'm just starting with the collections.
So I'm trying to use solution of hisdrewness. The last problem is how to retrieve events with the desired Date. So I'm creating an Iterator over my map but what next ? In python it is easy but how can I 'get objects with date=date' in Java ?
private String getItems(Date date){
String ret = "";
// DatesSortedMap is my previously built map and it works properly
Iterator i = this.DatesSortedMap.entrySet().iterator();
while( i.hasNext() ){
//how I can get to the object while having iterator ?
if(object.date = date)
ret += object;
return ret;