



Hi Guys,

If i have the following strongly-typed view:

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<XXX.DomainModel.Core.Locations.Location>" %>

Where Location is an abstract class.

And i have the following Controller, which accepts a strongly-typed Model via a POST:

public ActionResult Index(Location model)

I get a runtime error stating "Cannot Create Abstract Class

Which of course makes sense. However - i'm not sure what the best solution is here.

I have many concrete types (around 8), and this is a view where you can only edit properties of the abstract class.

What i've tried to do is create overloads for all the different concrete types, and perform my logic in a common method.

public ActionResult Index(City model)
   return View(model);

public ActionResult Index(State model)
   return View(model);

etc etc

And then:

private void UpdateLocationModel (Location model)
   // ..snip - update model

But this doesn't work either, MVC complains the action methods are ambiguous (also makes sense).

What do we do? Can we simply not bind to an abstract model?


Just to throw it out there - I'm very much interested in what others might answer, but this is what I ended up doing in the case where I had a similar situation;

Basically, I did not use the model class as a parameter in the Action method, instead passing in FormCollection and testing a couple known discriminators to figure out which type to create/edit, then used TryUpdateModel from there.

It seemed there might be a better way, but I'd never gotten around to thinking about it more.

Andrew Barber
Yeah, that was my next step! :) But awww, i wan't the strongly typed goodness. :)
It's delicious, and nutritious; Part of this complete breakfast!
Andrew Barber
+1  A: 

How about writing a custom model binder for this abstract class:

public class CustomBinder : DefaultModelBinder
    protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType)
        // TODO: based on some request parameter choose the proper child type
        // to instantiate here
        return new Child();

This make sense only if you have a form where input elements are inserted dynamically based on some user action. In this case you need to pass some additional parameter to indicate which concrete class you need. Otherwise I would stick to concrete view models as action parameters.

Darin Dimitrov
Well this is a very simple view, edit fields for properties on the abstract model. So i didn't want to have to "duplicate" this HTML across multiple strongly-typed views. I'll have a look into custom model binders - as i do know the child type when i render the view. I'll try it out the office tomorrow - cheers.
Okay i've had a read of model binders, and i agree - it doesn't make sense in my scenario. I'm going to stick with the concrete view models. This would work though, so i'll accept your answer. Thanks.