This is what I have written so far. It compiles, and, as far as I can tell, it should 'work' - if you were to give your computer an infinite amount of time to compute the answer !
I was just wondering if anyone would please be able to give me a way to optimise this so that my program will tell me the highest palindromic number (the same both forwards and backwards eg, 91 * 99 = 9009;) formed by multiplying any two three-digit numbers.
public class HighestPalindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number=0;
int answer=0;
for(int LoopOfFirstNumber=999;LoopOfFirstNumber<=100;LoopOfFirstNumber -= 3){
for(int LoopOfSecondNumber=LoopOfFirstNumber;LoopOfSecondNumber<=100;LoopOfSecondNumber-=3)
number = LoopOfFirstNumber * LoopOfSecondNumber;
if (number == reverse(number))
break search;
//The code after this works fine, I believe. It will reverse any number given very quickly, I think the problem
//is above....with the two for loops!
private static int reverse(int n, int r) {
if (n == 0) return r;
System.out.println("This iteration returns " + n/10 + " and " + 10*r+n%10);
return reverse(n/10, 10*r+n%10);
public static int reverse(int n) {
return reverse(n, 0);