



Pardon me for the title, that's the best my limited brain can came up this late.

So, i have a list of string, something like [abc, def, ghi].

The question: in JSF, how do I iterate the list and create a string that look like this "abc, def, ghi" (notice the commas)?

For those who have the urge to tell me that I'd better use a Java method to concatenate the string, hear this: every member of the list should be rendered as a separate commandLink.

If plain JSF it would look like:

<h:commandLink>abc</h:commandLink>, <h:commandLink>def</h:commandLink>, <h:commandLink>ghi</h:commandLink>
+4  A: 

Assuming that #{bean.items} returns List<String> or String[], in JSF 1.x you can use JSTL c:forEach with varStatus. It gives you a handle to LoopTagStatus which has a isLast() method.

<c:forEach items="#{bean.items}" var="item" varStatus="loop">
    <h:commandLink value="#{item}" /><c:if test="#{!loop.last}">, </c:if>

In Facelets as shipped with JSF 2.x, same functionality is available by ui:repeat.

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.items}" var="item" varStatus="loop">
    <h:commandLink value="#{item}" />#{!loop.last ? ', ' : ''}
+1 ..Thanks BalusC.
your solution on <ui:repeat /> didnt work out of the box for me, but it guided me to this forum post which have my answer and more.thanks..
It only works on JSF 2.x. You seem to be using JSF 1.x. The first solution is then more applicable on you.