




If we committed several times, for example, on our local repo, for revision 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003. If we push to a remote repo, it will push 3000 to 3003. Is there a way to push only 3000 and 3001?

+2  A: 

Yes, you can select a revision to push. hg push -r 3001 (all ancestors of the chosen revision will be pushed; you don't need to specify 3000.)

great, thanks, went and saw the docs. it says if `-r` is used, then that changeset and all its ancestors will be pushed. so it probably is not possible to just push 3002 and 3003 without 3000 and 3001?
You're correct. You can't send 3002 without sending 3001 also (unless they already have 3001, of course). You can send a different changeset that has the same change but a different hash and parent (and is thus a totally different changeset), but doing that too often means you'll end up with duplicate work in your repos.

If you need to push some changesets without all ancestors (solution described in @Woolble's answer), a good option is to use Mercurial Queues extension (MQ).


This will let you re-order and even combine changesets so you can push them in whatever order you like. It takes a bit of work to get started but you'll find it well worth the effort.

I've TortoiseHg makes working with MQ pretty straightforward.

Nick Pierpoint