



hi, i'm new to java programming and need to create a method called sizeofCarPark that returns the amount of cars that are stored in a Car Park, i'd appreciate some pointers in what i need to do. thanks. pieter


Just do yourList.size()?

+2  A: 

What kind of an Object is a Car Park?

ArrayList already has a size() method.


public class CarPark {
    private List<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();

    public int sizeOfCarPark() {
        return cars.size();
Rob Hruska
And if you're concerned about design, `cars` should probably be a `Set` instead of a `List` unless you specifically need to maintain ordering. But `Set` has a `size()` method, too.
Rob Hruska
That did it, much appreciated Rob. Pieter
@Pieter - No problem. Future advice: your question is a bit vague, so try adding a little bit of detail in questions you might ask down the road. Adding a code snippet goes a long way.
Rob Hruska
A: The javadoc is always the best place to start. There's already a size() method that does it, so all your method needs to do is call on that and return its value.

Might not hurt to link to a version of the API newer than 1.4.2. Java 1.4's End Of Life was in 2008.
Rob Hruska
Huh, you're right, that's really weird I didn't think Oracle would have kept that old documentation. To be honest I just used the one Google brought up for Arraylist, never crossed my mind that 6 wouldn't be at the top.The newest proper release one is - far as I'm aware ArrayList hasn't changed so it should be the same, but better to use that API than the other one.
@AaronM - Yeah, it probably hasn't changed. However, it's possible that a user drilling down through the docs might come across something that's deprecated or gone in a newer release. I always Google something like "java arraylist 6" to get the Java 6 version to be the first result. Also, the docs are probably still around because Oracle offers business support beyond the regular EOL.
Rob Hruska
+2  A: 

If your "CarPark" is-a collection of cars only:

int totalCars = myCarPark.size();

If your "CarPark" has-a collection of cars only (preferred solution!):

int totalCars = myCarPark.getCars().size();

If your "CarPark" is-a mixed collection, then you have to iterate and count:

int count = 0;
for (Object obj:myCarPark)
  if (obj instanceof Car) count++;

Hope it helps!


I suppose you are meant to create a custom container class instead of using one of the Collection classes for that purpose.

Here's a little hint. Suppose you have a NumberBox class which stores a list of, err, ints. In order to maintain the number of elements, besides the array which holds the elements, you need some sort of counter. Let's call it size. Initially, size is set to 0. Then you have a method to add and remove elements, as well as a method which returns the current size. An implementation would look something like this (not a complete program, missing stuff like checking parameters e.g.).

public class NumberBox {
    private int[] list;
    private size = 0;

    public class NumberBox(int capacity) {
        list = new int[capacity];

    public void add(int i) {
        // put the int at the first unoccupied position
        // increase the counter

    public int remove() {
        // remove the last int which was inserted
        // decrement the counter
        // return it

    public size() {
        return size; // return the current size

Now what you need to do is think about how to apply this to your class.

Helper Method
Just curious, why would you do all of this yourself when the API already provides a `List` interface that does this and much more? If you need a custom wrapper, it could at least be backed by a `List`.
Rob Hruska