I am creating this MVC model and trying to understand best way to do it.How should I get related data when I have relationships between tables.For example in code below I have created a formviewmodel and I am calling function to get all images in Images table for a user. Should I instead keep images property of Users model and fill that within LINQ query in repository instead of calling a method from the Model? Is there a way in LINQ to autofill all images for the contact?
public class UserFormViewModel {
UucsrRepository repository = new UucsrRepository();
public User User { get; set; }
public SelectList States { get; private set; }
public SelectList Genders { get; private set; }
public List<Images> UserImages { get; set; }
public UserFormViewModel(User User) {
User = User;
UserImages = repository.GetUserImages(User.Id).ToList();
States = new SelectList(repository.GetAllStates(), "ShortName", "Name");
Genders = new SelectList(repository.GetAllGenders(), "Gender", "Description");
Thanks !