




I have a rather colorful background, and to make the text legible, it's set on a semi-transparent background. H1, P both show the background the full width of the divs. spans and as however only show the background for where they are. This latter behavior is what I would prefer, definitely for the Headings, but also possibly for the paragraphs as well.

|-------------width of div-----------|
|{Header:BG fills whole div_________}|
|   {LINK}                           |
|{Paragraph:Same behavior as header_}|
|                       {SPAN}       |

I'm using CSS strict HTML for preference.

+2  A: 

The difference between <h1>,<p>,<span> and <a> is that the first two are "display:block" by default, while last two are "display:inline".

Adding "display:block" property to your <a> and <span> should do it.

Response to comment:

I'll add a visual examle:

<div style="width:300px; border:1px solid #444">
  <div style="background:#999">This is a div</div>
  <a style="background:#999">This is a link</a>
  <h1 style="background:#999">This is a header</h1>
  <span style="background:#999">This is a span</span>

returns this


<div style="width:300px; border:1px solid #444">
  <div style="background:#999">This is a div</div>
  <a style="background:#999; display:block">This is a link</a>
  <h1 style="background:#999">This is a header</h1>
  <span style="background:#999; display:block">This is a span</span>

returns this

You are trying to achieve that, right?

Jevgeni Bogatyrjov
Maybe my brain is just being dumb today, but I'm looking more towards making headlines, and possibly paragraphs behave like the span does... However, if I do `display:inline` on those however, everything clumps together unless I put a `div` or something in between. Might something like `inline-box` work?