



Can anyone offer any advice on the best way to fully integrate a wordpress blog into a magento store?

I have seen many different approaches of this integration (lazzymonkeys, sonassi etc), but none seem to fully integrate the entire blog, i.e. posts, categories, archives, search etc.

So far, I have created a module that is essentially a stand-alone blog with seperate blocks, controllers and templates for each part of the blog. Instead of using my own models for the data though, I am calling wordpress functions from my blocks to get the data and then building the templates based on this.

This method allows me to avoid relying on url re-writes and provides full control over the content and layout of the blog. Unfortunately though, it requires a lot of work building all of the different aspects of the wordpress blog back in the magento store.

Basically, I am creating a blog in magento which uses data from a wordpress blog.

Is this a good solution, or can anyone offer some ideas on a better way to approach this?