



Ok, here's the deal:

  • I've got two piles of shirts
  • I want to take a random shirt from each pile and put them in a new pile
  • Then get the new pile out

And here is the code:

mix(P1,P2, Pile):-
    takeshirt(P1,1,Taken1,Rem1), takeshirt(P2,1,Taken2,Rem2), #Take one
    append(Pile,Taken1,New),     append(New,Taken2,NewPile),  #Put both of them

This is what the result look like:

1 ?- mix([a,b],[c,d],NewPile).
NewPile = [] .

I want it to look like:

1 ?- mix([a,b],[c,d],NewPile).
NewPile = [b, d, a, c] .

Or whatever the result is. I checked via the graphical debugger and found out that when the final call to mix happens, the bindings are:

P1 = Taken1 = [b]
P2 = Taken2 = [c]
Pile           = [a, d]
Rem1 = Rem2 = []
New         = [a, d, b]
NewPile     = [a, d, b, c] #<--- Interresting  

So the wanted value is in NewPile when the final call to:


happens. After this is it collapses like a house of cards.

So the question is:


I'd like to return the _ value from the base case, this rule mix is actually used from a higher instance where I send in two piles and get the new pile out.

To clarify some comments about the takeshirt rule, here it is:

takeshirt(List,Number,[Element|Taken],Remain) :- N > 0,
    Index is random(Len) + 1,
    Number1 is Number - 1,
+2  A: 

Consider the following modifications to your code:

mix([], [], []) :- !.
mix(P1, P2, Pile) :-
    takeshirt(P1, 1, Taken1, Rem1), 
    takeshirt(P2, 1, Taken2, Rem2),
    append(Taken1, Taken2, Pile0),
    mix(Rem1, Rem2, Pile1),
    append(Pile0, Pile1, Pile).

It seems you need to accumulate the 'shirts' (as list atoms). Here, we are recursively appending them onto the third argument of mix/3 (Pile), until the base case (the first clause) is hit when both input lists are empty lists (note that the cut ! is necessary here as the binding pattern for the second clause matches the first, so we want to exclude it). The behaviour of the second clause, which takes a shirt from each input list for every step, requires that they must have been of equal length to start with.

To test this, I used the following definition of takeshirt/4:

takeshirt(Ps, _, [P], Rem) :-
    select(P, Ps, Rem).

Note that the second argument here is unused, as select/3 is being used to take a single element (a shirt) from the list, and return the remainder. The absence of a cut (!) after the select allows this predicate to backtrack in selecting all other elements (shirts) from the list. If we now execute your example query with this definition, we can get:

1 ?- mix([a,b],[c,d],NewPile).
NewPile = [a, c, b, d] ;
NewPile = [a, d, b, c] ;
NewPile = [b, c, a, d] ;
NewPile = [b, d, a, c] ;

...we can see that mix/3 enumerates all possible 'piles' on backtracking by taking a shirt from the first pile (first input list), then a shirt from the second pile (second input list), and so on, until both input lists are empty. If your definition of takeshirt/4 doesn't leave choice-points, (is non-backtracking), then you could only get one solution, if any.

The cut is not necessary as `select` will fail on an empty list.
@larsmans: The cut may not be strictly necessary here if the implementation of `takeshirt/4` fails on an empty input list. In my example it might if `select/3` does, as you say, but that was just _my_ version for testing; I haven't assumed anything about the implementation of `takeshirt/4` that @shaungus has but hasn't revealed, except for the interface.
I'd assume a predicate that takes *n* things from a pile would fail if there aren't *n* things on the pile; that would be the Prolog way. But fair enough, +1 for showing the OP how to use `select`.
Thanks; and, agreed. If `takeshirt/4` fails on empty input lists as we would reasonably expect, the cut as the subgoal of the first clause of `mix/3` is not necessary, but if present, is otherwise known as a 'grue' cut (green or blue cut, as defined by O'Keefe) - one that simply serves to increase execution efficiency and doesn't have an effect on the logical semantics of the program. As a matter of course, I'd typically add grue cuts like this where they are obvious, but perhaps I've been programming PROLOG for too long... ;-)
I tried your version, it doesnt work if the piles are of different length, also it always produces the results in the same order for a set of piles. One way would be to accumulate all the NewPiles and then choose a random one of them...lets say I got 20 items in each pile, that´s quite many different list combinations :)
@shangus: If you want to cope with piles of different length, you'll need to modify the predicate - I based my answer on your initial formulation of the `mix/3` predicate behaviour, which requires input lists of equal length. I assume you have a different implementation of `takeshirt/4` which is random. To cope with piles of different length, you can (for example) change the base cases to: `mix([], R, R) :- !.` and `mix(R, [], R) :- !.`, which adds any remaining shirts to the pile, or `mix([], [_|_], []) :- !.` and `mix([_|_], [], []) :- !.`, which throws away any extra shirts left.
I got it working now, thanks :)