I'm trying to speed test jetty (to compare it with using apache) for serving dynamic content.
I'm testing this using three client threads requesting again as soon as a response comes back. These are running on a local box (OSX 10.5.8 mac book pro). Apache is pretty much straight out of the box (XAMPP distribution) and I've tested Jetty 7.0.2 and 7.1.6
Apache is giving my spikey times : response times upto 2000ms, but an average of 50ms, and if you remove the spikes (about 2%) the average is 10ms per call. (This was to a PHP hello world page)
Jetty is giving me no spikes, but response times of about 200ms.
This was calling to the localhost:8080/hello/ that is distributed with jetty, and starting jetty with java -jar start.jar
This seems slow to me, and I'm wondering if its just me doing something wrong.
Any sugestions on how to get better numbers out of Jetty would be appreciated.