Firstly i want something that includes support for
- math expressions, including operator priority
- string expressions, like substring, etc
- supports named functions
- this allows me to decorate and control exactly who and what functions can be executed.
- read/write variables that are "typeless" / allow type conversion in a controlled manner.
- does not allow arbitary java scriptlets.
- it should not be possible to include constructs like new Someclass()
- cannot execute arbitrary static or otherwise method
- does not allow any OGNL like expressions.
- i only want to functions i map to be available.
- support for control constructs like if this then that is for the moment optional.
must be embeddable.
- similar sort of q but does not really answer "how" or "what" does the above.
- java object expressions, therefore throwing from a SecurityManager to stop method execution is nasty and wrong.
- java object like expressions should be an error at parse time.
jexel seem to be closest possible match
- License is a bit horrible (GPL/Commercial)