I had the same problem once, creating the note first is probably a good idea.
Another way would be to send the user to the new action. When the first save occurs you send the new object back as a JSON object, and replace the form's action with the update url for that record as well as setting the form's method to put.
This way you don't end up with empty records in the database (with your use-case, you might want exactly that, so a User can continue a note later.)
Just my two cents.
Ok a way of implementing this could look like this:
<%= form_for resource,
:remote => true,
:html => { 'id' => 'autosave' },
:url => resources_path(:format => :json) do |f| %>
<% end %>
Application JS
var $form = $('#autosave');
// bind to the first success event from the form
$form.one('ajax:success', function(data, status, xhr) {
// data contains our json object (your note as json)
// now we update the form
$form.attr('action', '/notes/' + data.id);
$form.attr('method', 'put');
$form.attr('data-method', 'put');
class ExampleController
def create
# respond with the json object if format = json,
# see the form above I'm passing the format with :url parameter in form_for
respond_with(resource) do |format|
format.json { render :json => resource }