I am having a problem with restful routes and singular resources, originally I had this code in the show view on my account resource.
<%= link_to book.title, book_path(:search => book.title) %>
and it worked fine, then I changed account to be a singular resource, e.g
map.resources :accounts
map.resource :account
and now I get the error ...
book_url failed to generate from {:search=>"Dracula", :controller=>"books", :action=>"show"}, expected: {:controller=>"books", :action=>"show"}, diff: {:search=>"Dracula"}
remove the view line of code, and everything works fine. Also changing it to
<%= link_to book.title, :controller => "books", :action => "show", :search => book.title %>
makes it work.
I have created a standalone rails application demonstrate my problem in isolation http://github.com/jowls/singular_resource_bug
Is this a bug? brought about through some combination of singular resources and restful routes?
This was on rails 2.3.10