Hi all,
I've been working on a set of RESTful HTTP services implemented using Restlet in Java. Those services are currently used by a proprietary desktop application running on Windows, and by other back-end services.
My goal now is to design an Ajaxy user interface to these services that will run within the Web browser. I am aware of the plethora of existing solutions. I am pretty familiar with Scala, Java, GWT and I have some exposure to JavaScript.
The following solutions sprung to my mind and I was wondering what people in the community had experience with.
Pure client solution using GWT. Seesmic took this approach to implement the web version of their social network client (with I believe backend REST services implemented with RESTlet). I am familiar with GWT, but I find it quite verbose sometimes. I've not tried the UI binder.
Server based solution with Vaadin. I am not familiar with Vaadin, but it looks quite complete, and I could use it with Scala which is and added bonus with me.
Pure browser bases solution using JavaScript frameworks, such as jQuery, Dojo, etc.. JavaScript based solution could be quite quick to prototype, but I am a bit worried about handling the complexity as the codebase grows.
I am looking forward to hearing your opinions and real world experience.