



This cucumber-test wont fail even if I replace the order of the events. It should only pass if the order is in the chronological by event date. But its passes in whatever order i put the table in. What can the problem be?

Scenario: Events should be listed in chronological order by event date Given I am signed into an account called "Gorilla Tech" as an analyst And there is an event at "2010-05-01" called "Giant Monkey Festival" for the account "Gorilla Tech" And there is an event at "2010-08-20" called "Apefest 2010" for the account "Gorilla Tech" And there is an event at "2010-01-13" called "Giraffe Biennial" for the account "Gorilla Tech" And there is an event at "2010-12-24" called "Whale bash 2010" for the account "Gorilla Tech"

When I follow "Register"
And I follow "Events"
And show me the page
Then I should see the following table:
| Title                     | Event at   |
| Whale bash 2010           | 2010-12-24 |
| Apefest 2010              | 2010-08-20 |
| Giraffe Biennial          | 2010-01-13 |
| Giant Monkey Festival     | 2010-05-01 |