




I had a response on a question yesterday about sending POST data to the same page with the Post-Redirect-Get pattern like this:

if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    // prevent resending data
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

Someone replied: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4016968/sending-data-to-same-php-page-from-javascript-no-ajax-or-forms

It is extremely important for the purposes of web security that a POST cannot be sent via a simple URL.

Now I would like to know what is wrong with this? I want to avoid using a separate page with the confirmation message, because it just breaks the user experience and from a design POV it is a no-go.

+3  A: 

It is extremely important for the purposes of web security that a POST cannot be sent via a simple URL.

I think the person who said this might have misunderstood either you or web security.

There's nothing wrong with using the same URL for different request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD etc). In fact, it's a very good idea.

Johannes Gorset
I added the link
+1 ...in fact, it's how RESTfulness is supposed to work.

It seems like the replier didn't think his response through. I would imagine he was thinking there would be some security issues by using $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], but I can't see how in this case.

As already mentioned, there is nothing wrong with letting the same URL handle different requests.

That said, I still seperate the confirmation message from the form. I see no reason as to why I shouldn't. Validation and error messages can still occur on the form view, but just letting a lot of conditions determine wether you should show the confirmation message, the form or error messages seems like (IMO) your'e getting a lot of messy code.


It is extremely important for the purposes of web security that a POST cannot be sent via a simple URL.

I rather interpret this sentence that it should not be possible that a GET request on the same URL does not cause the same as a POST request. So checking for $_REQUEST['submit'] instead of implicitly checking $_POST['submit'] or $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] could be a violation.

Maybe the author did also mean that the form uses some one-time authentication token so that only authenticated requests are permitted.
